Wool Compression Socks – Everyone Wants to Try Them!


Best wool compression socks for ladies are a nurse and wear compression stockings in her job. She says, she likes the natural wicking qualities, the fact that they are so comfortable, especially around the soles of her feet. They’re natural, white, lightweight, and have a medium degree of compression in them to keep her feet and legs from hurt, one reviewer notes, adding, “they’re very easy to put on.” Since she is a nurse, she must be used to the comfort that these socks bring to her job. But, of course, as with everything else in life, what really matters is what you think matters.

One fashion-conscious woman reviews wool compression socks by saying she bought them because “They make me look slimmer.” She also writes “Wool socks are one of those things that just seem to fit perfectly. I have tried many other brands and patterns, and none do as good of a job as wool socks. Comfort is the key word when it comes to socks – I always feel more comfortable in them.” And, she adds, “I do think the price is fair – I pay about $3.50 for a pair right now, which should last for several years.” So, it appears that this fashionable gal just can’t get enough wool socks!

A man who works out in the gym mentions how well the wool compression socks help his workouts, adding “WOW! My muscles seem to be much tighter and toned. Even if I’m not working out, I still like the sock. It’s great for keeping sweat out of my eyes. I don’t like the moisture wicking material that some of the other socks have, but the wool is great at trapping it – I just need to use a different type of sock for more stubborn areas of my body. Overall, this brand of sock works for everyone, even if they are more sensitive than others.
